10DLC Pricing

Non-Recurring Charges

Charge Type Price Description
Customer/Brand Registration Fee $6.00 Registration Fee for New Customers/Brands. Note that this fee is charged per “Brand Creation” so subsequent submissions after a rejection will again be charged $6.00.
DCA Campaign Vetting Fee (Effective 1/31/23) $15.00 Direct Connect Aggregator (DCA) Vetting Fee, charged upon Campaign submission. Note that this fee is charged per “vetting event” so subsequent submissions after a rejection will again be charged $15.00.
Failed Customer/Brand Message Increase Vetting Fee $7.00 Vetting fee for brands interested in increasing daily messaging limits. This will only be applied if the brand failed verification.
Successful Customer/Brand Message Increase Vetting Fee $50.00 Vetting fee for brands interested in increasing daily messaging limits
T-Mobile Non-Use Fee $250.00 Penalty for Use Cases with no active T-Mobile messaging over a rolling 60 day period

Monthly Recurring Use Case Charges

Use Case Monthly Price Description
2FA $25.00 Two-Factor authentication, one-time use password, password reset
Account Notification $25.00 All reminders, alerts, and notifications. (Examples include: flight delayed, hotel booked, appointment reminders.)
Customer Care $25.00 All customer care messaging, including account management and support
Delivery Notification $25.00 Information about the status of the delivery of a product or service
Fraud Alert Messaging $25.00 Fraud alert notification
Higher Education $25.00 For campaigns created on behalf of Colleges or Universities and will also include School Districts etc that fall outside of any “free to the consumer” messaging model
Low Volume Mixed $15.00 Low throughput, any combination of use-cases. Examples include: test, demo accounts
Marketing $25.00 Any communication with marketing and/or promotional content
Mixed $25.00 Mixed messaging reserved for specific consumer service industry
Polling and Voting $25.00 Polling and voting
Public Service Announcement $25.00 An informational message that is meant to raise the audience’s awareness about an important issue
Security Alert $25.00 A notification that the security of a system, either software or hardware, has been compromised in some way and there is an action you need to take